January Work Party, Saturday 25th…
We are going to run a volunteer work party on Saturday January 25th. This will be to cut a path through the southern meadow down to the lakes and then back across Moor lane back through the eastern meadow to link up to our existing paths. That then makes a longer circular walk around the meadows and gives some glimpses of the lakes and wetlands. Until we have toilets on site we are on a very practical level only really able to do 3 hours, so will start at 12 and finish at 3. We will then provide a hot meal at 3pm.
The last work party was very sociable and fun, but it would have been really lovely to have a bit of a natter together at the end over a tasty hot meal. We have a local catering business who make delicious food at £6 per head, we are not allowed to charge you for it, but would appreciate a donation to cover the cost. The menu is Chicken or Vegetable Tagine and Rice, Beef or Vegetable Chilli and Rice, with chocolate brownies for pudding. We will need at least 20 people to make this viable and will need to know how many people we are catering for. If you would like to come along, please let us know and your menu choice. Whilst the food is lovely, I don’t really want to end up with 20 portions of leftover chilli to eat by myself 😊
As usual we will provide tools and safety gear, we will give you a safety briefing and any training you need; but if anybody has any grass strimmers or brush cutters that you can bring along that would be very useful. We will have our two strimmers but it was really useful last time to have your extras to get through all the stinging nettles and grass.
For anyone who isn’t able to physically help us, please do feel free to turn up anyway and say hello, or maybe you would like to join us for the social and dinner at 3pm; you are more than welcome!